ITensor Library Classes and Methods
Detailed information about every method and function in the ITensor library.
The documentation may omit minor details that do not change how you use a method,
like describing a particular function as f(ITensor T)
even though
its actual signature is f(ITensor const& T)
Support for working with lattices:
BondGate - type for making quantum circuits or time-evolution gates
Index. Tensor index.
Special Index modes:
- QN Index. Index carrying QN block information.
IndexVal. Index-value pair.
IndexSet. Container for storing indices.
QN. Abelian quantum numbers.
ITensor. The elementary tensor type.
Sparse ITensors:
Tensor Decompositions. Singular value decomposition, density matrix diagonalization, etc.
Matrix product states (MPS) and matrix product operators (MPO)
SiteSet. Collection of site objects, defining a Hilbert space and local operators.
- SpinHalf and SpinHalfSite. S=1/2 spin sites.
- SpinOne and SpinOneSite. S=1 spin sites.
- Boson and BosonSite. Spinless boson sites with adjustable max occupancy.
- Fermion and FermionSite. Spinless fermion sites.
- Electron and ElectronSite. Spinful fermion sites.
- tJ and tJSite. t-J model sites.
- CustomSpin and CustomSpinSite. Spin sites with custom spin S size.
- SpinHalf and SpinHalfSite. S=1/2 spin sites.
InitState. Helper object for initializing product-state MPS.
MPS. Matrix product state class.
MPO. Matrix product operator class.
AutoMPO. System for making MPOs from sums of local operators.
Time Evolution of MPS. Methods for time evolving MPS.
Density matrix renormalization group (DMRG)
Sweeps. Class for specifying DMRG accuracy parameters.
DMRG. Interface for running DMRG calculations.
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