# Single Element ITensor A single element ITensor is an ITensor constructed using the `setElt` function. It has exactly one non-zero element, which can be any element. (Currently this type of ITensor uses dense storage but this is subject to change in the future.) `setElt` is defined in "itensor/itensor_interface.h" and "itensor/itensor_interface_impl.h". ## Synopsis auto i = Index(4); auto j = Index(3); auto T = randomITensor(i,j); auto S = setElt(i=2); //Multiplying by S in this case will "quench" //the i Index of T to its second value: T *= S; ## Specification `setElt(IndexVal iv1, IndexVal iv2, ...) -> ITensor` Given one or more [[IndexVals|classes/indexval]], return an [[ITensor|classes/itensor]] with all elements set to zero except the element corresponding to the IndexVals which is set to 1.0.
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auto s = Index(3); auto l = Index(10); auto T = setElt(s=2,l=4); Print(elt(T,s=1,l=1)); //prints: 0.0 Print(elt(T,s=2,l=1)); //prints: 0.0 //... Print(elt(T,s=2,l=4)); //prints: 1.0
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