Additional Code Examples
Constructing an ITensor
i = Index(3,"index_i")
j = Index(2,"index_j")
k = Index(4,"index_k")
T = ITensor(i,j,k)
Setting an element of an ITensor
T = ITensor(i,j,k)
T[j=>1,k=>3,i=>2] = -3.2
Adding ITensors (note how indices can be in different order)
A = randomITensor(i,j,k)
B = randomITensor(k,i,j)
C = A + B
Making an MPS from an ITensor
T = randomITensor(i,j,k,l,m)
M = MPS(T,(i,j,k,l,m); maxdim=10)
For more code examples, see the documentation.