ITensor News

MPS Features moved to ITensorMPS

October 25, 2024

ITensors.jl v0.7 has been released. This is a major breaking change, since all of the MPS/MPO functionality from this package has been moved to ITensorMPS.jl, along with all of the functionality of ITensorTDVP.jl. If you want to use MPS/MPO types and related functionality, such as MPS, MPO, dmrg, siteinds, OpSum, op, etc. you now must install and load the ITensorMPS.jl package.

Additionally, if you are using ITensorTDVP.jl in your code, please change using ITensorTDVP to using ITensorMPS. ITensorMPS.jl has all of the same functionality as ITensorTDVP.jl, and ITensorTDVP.jl will be deprecated in favor of ITensorMPS.jl. Note: If you are using ITensors.compile, you must now install and load the ITensorMPS.jl package in order to trigger it to load properly, since it relies on running MPS/MPO functionality as example code for Julia to compile.