You could possibly get away with just using a singe SiteSet, depending on what you want to do with your state.
Another thing you can do is, say you have your SiteSet `sitesA` that has a pattern: ABABAB... where A and B are your different types of sites. Then if you make an MPS with those sites:
auto psi = MPS(sitesA);
and then swap them with swap gates:
auto swap56 = delta(sitesA(5),prime(sitesA(6)))*delta(sitesA(5),prime(sitesA(6)));
defined as above, you can just use the original SiteSet `sitesA` but if you want to apply an operator to site 5 of your swapped system, use `sites.op("Sz",6)`, for example.
Again, it depends on what you want to do with the swapped system.