Hi, thanks for the question. So in version 2 (we've made this easier in the soon to be released version 3) the way the QNs work is that they are globally defined throughout your code. They are ordered tuples of pairs of integers.
The design you'll want to then do is define your QNs like this (all of them):
where na, nb, and sz are integers that are the number of A bosons; number of B bosons; and Sz quantum number of that site. If a site consists purely of one type of boson (say "A"), that's ok: just set nb=0. Similar for if a site carries no spin, just set sz=0.
If your A and B bosons reside on different sites, I'd recommend making two different site types, which could be named ABosonSite and BBosonSite, say. Then you can write code similar to that for BasicSiteSet (see line 376 of itensor/mps/siteset.h) except have the for loop switch the site type between odd and even sites.
If you want to post your code here I'd be happy to take a look.
An alternative is that you could go ahead and switch to version 3. To do this, just do "git checkout rc3" and then "make clean" and "make" from the top level of the ITensor folder. The rc3 branch means "release candidate 3". Howver, I should caution that one of the last parts of ITensor we're taking a hard look at before we finally release version 3 happens to be site sets! We probably won't change them too much, but there's a chance we might.
The advantage of version 3, though, is the new QN design. In that version, each quantum number within a QN object has a name string that goes with it, so for a case like yours you can just make QN's like QN({"A",na,1}) for A sites and QN({"B",nb,1}) for B sites and they will mix together just fine.
Best regards,