0 votes
asked by (190 points)


I have seen variants of this question on the forum but unable to find a good solution still. Given a tensor, I want to fix some indices and get the sub-tensor. The present elT function demands all indices be fixed.

A workaround that I could think of was this :
Replace the index that needs to be fixed by another 1-dimensional index (using delta tensor). This does select a sub-tensor but I couldn't find a way to change the default index value ("1") to some other value for the 1-dimensional index (to extract other possibilities).

Any leads to do this efficiently will be appreciated.


1 Answer

+2 votes
answered by (70.1k points)

Hi Aditya,
Good to meet you in person and discuss, but I'll also post the answer here.

To fix, clamp, or set an index to a particular value, a good solution is to contract the tensor with another tensor produced by the "setElt" function. (See setElt on this page: http://itensor.org/docs.cgi?vers=cppv3&page=classes/itensor). Calling setElt(i=n) makes an ITensor which has the index "i" and has a component 1.0 in the nth entry, and zero otherwise.

Then you can multiply it by your tensor T like: T *= setElt(i=n).

Best regards,

commented by (190 points)
Hi Miles,

It was indeed great to meet you in person. Thank you for all the valuable inputs. I'll leave a small function here to get a sub-tensor with a subset of indices fixed. The function assumes that the indices and values are ordered (this is the responsibility of the user).

    GetSubTensor(ITensor T,std::vector<Index> const &indices,std::vector<int> values )
        ITensor retT;
        for(unsigned int l=0;l<indices.size();l++)
                retT = T*setElt(indices[l]=values[l]);
       return retT;

commented by (70.1k points)
Great - always nice to have sample code for other people to use!
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