Dear ITensor team,
Given an ITensor G1 with rank r and a certain index structure, for example
G1 =
ITensor r=4: ("S=1/2 51",2,Site|104)' ("S=1/2 50",2,Site|722)' ("S=1/2 50",2,Site|722) ("S=1/2 51",2,Site|104)
and another ITensor with same rank r, but different index structure, for example
G2 =
ITensor r=4: ("S=1/2 101",2,Site|215)' ("S=1/2 99",2,Site|481)' ("S=1/2 99",2,Site|481) ("S=1/2 101",2,Site|215)
what is the easiest way to take their difference or sum or contract them?
Namely I would like to create an ITensor G2-2 with the same numerical content of G2 but same index structure of G1. Is there an easy way (in version 2.1.1) to do it?
Apologises for the quite standard question but I could not find an answer in the online documentation.
Thanks a lot for your time.