Hi there,
I wanna run tDMRG for Anderson-Holstein model.
Because the initial state is with zero boson, at the step of DMRG, I restrict "ConserveNf=true, ConserveSz=true, ConserveNb=true", and set initial boson number to 0, so that I can find the ground state of the decouped boson-fermion system easily.
The MPS I got from DMRG step are with all those QNs for fermion and Boson. But after the quench, the boson number is no longer conserved, and will grow, so I need to remove the conservation number associated with boson. But I still want to keep the conservation related to fermion, "ConserveNf=true, ConserveSz=true".
I know I should use removeQNs to remove QNs from MPS, but how should I remove QNs partially?
Thank you very much!