Hi Rafael, I tried to reproduce your bug but I was unable. Could you check that you get the error consistently, and if so, post your entire code in a comment below?
Here's the code I created to attempt to reproduce, and it ran without any errors
int N = 10;
int Npart = N; //half filling
auto sites = Electron(N,{"ConserveQNs=",true});
auto ii = Complex_i;
auto t1 = 1.0;
auto chi = 0.4;
auto U = 0.1;
auto ampo = AutoMPO(sites);
for(int b = 1; b < N; ++b)
ampo += -(cos(0.5*chi)+ii*sin(-0.5*chi)),"Cdagup",b,"Cup",b+1;
ampo += -(cos(0.5*chi)+ii*sin(+0.5*chi)),"Cdagup",b+1,"Cup",b;
ampo += -(cos(0.5*chi)+ii*sin(+0.5*chi)),"Cdagdn",b,"Cdn",b+1;
ampo += -(cos(0.5*chi)+ii*sin(-0.5*chi)),"Cdagdn",b+1,"Cdn",b;
for(int i = 1; i <= N; ++i)
ampo += U,"Nupdn",i;
auto H = toMPO(ampo);
auto state = InitState(sites);
int p = Npart;
for(int i = N; i >= 1; --i)
if(p > i)
println("Doubly occupying site ",i);
p -= 2;
if(p > 0)
println("Singly occupying site ",i);
state.set(i,(i%2==1 ? "Up" : "Dn"));
p -= 1;
auto psi0 = MPS(state);
auto sweeps = Sweeps(5);
sweeps.maxdim() = 10,20,100,100,200;
sweeps.cutoff() = 1E-10;
sweeps.niter() = 2;
sweeps.noise() = 1E-7,1E-8,0.0;
// Begin the DMRG calculation
auto [energy,psi] = dmrg(H,psi0,sweeps,{"Quiet",true});