Hi Miles,
Thank you for your answer.
Sorry I didn't express it clearly. When I first asked the question, I wasn't thinking about entanglement calculation. I just didn't know how to construct the physical QN conserving infinite T state, so I planned to do it with MPS, and then project the lower T state into a particular QN sector, as you said in your second comment. I was thinking if there is a function like "toIQMPS(MPS, QN)"? What I was going to do is to find all combinations @@\sum qn_i = QN@@ (@@qn_i@@ is the site index qn), and somehow use the ITensors in MPS to construct IQTensors and form IQMPS with QN. Clearly the link index qn's are fixed for a particular set of site index qn's, we could copy ITensor elements for this set of site index qn's to the corresponding IQTensors successfully. It seems a little complicated. I don't know if there's other efficient way.
After I constructed the physical QN conserving infinite T state by @@(\sum A_{2i-1}^\dagger A_{2i})^{QN} |0,N_{max},0,N_{max},...,0,N_{max}\rangle@@ and do the calculation, I found it's not easy to get the entanglement entropy between odd sites and even sites. Constructing infinite T state with all physical sites on the left and all auxiliary sites on the right is difficult because of high entanglement. Moving all physical sites to the left after getting the low T state also is very slow. Thank you for all your suggestions. I'll have a try.