Hi, Arnab. I have a similar question. i get a error when i construct the same model in the ITensor-3 C++ version
Index: (dim=2|id=847|"n=2,Site,S=1/2") <In>
1: 1 QN({"Sz",1})
2: 1 QN({"Sz",-1}), Val: 2
Index: (dim=2|id=847|"n=2,Site,S=1/2")' <Out>
1: 1 QN({"Sz",1})
2: 1 QN({"Sz",-1}), Val: 1
Element flux is: QN({"Sz",2})
ITensor flux is: QN({"Sz",-2})
From line 327, file /Users/xuejiayu/Documents/ITensor-3/itensor/itensor_impl.h
In .set, cannot set element with flux different from ITensor flux
In .set, cannot set element with flux different from ITensor flux
you simulate same model in the C++ version ? PS: i find when i use "auto sites = SpinHalf(L)", i will get above error, but when i use "auto sites = SpinHalf(L,{"ConserveQNs=",false})" the code work ! it's seem like the model don't conserve Sz quantum number, but i am not well understand this issue.
Best regards,