how we can calculate the entanglement entropy of an half chain with Julia?
I am trying to adapt the following lines of code which are given for C++
Thanks a lot!
auto b = 10;
//"Gauge" the MPS to site b
//SVD this wavefunction to get the spectrum
//of density-matrix eigenvalues
auto l = leftLinkIndex(psi,b);
auto s = siteIndex(psi,b);
auto [U,S,V] = svd(psi(b),{l,s});
auto u = commonIndex(U,S);
//Apply von Neumann formula
//to the squares of the singular values
Real SvN = 0.;
for(auto n : range1(dim(u)))
auto Sn = elt(S,n,n);
auto p = sqr(Sn);
if(p > 1E-12) SvN += -p*log(p);