+1 vote
asked by (310 points)

Will Intel MKL libraries, work in non-intel hardwares?

I am about to buy a new system/laptop. I currently have intel processor on my system but just wished to ask about new AMDs so, that I don't face any issue when using and compiling tensor networks codes on those systems. Needed some help/suggestion, etc.

1 Answer

+2 votes
answered by (14.1k points)

Yes, I believe that MKL does work on AMD processors. However, by default it may not be as fast on AMD processors. My understanding is that you can set the following environment variable (in Linux):


and then MKL should run as fast on AMD as it does on Intel processors, but this is an undocumented option in MKL and may not be guaranteed to work for different versions of MKL (and I have not personally tried it). Here are some more discussions about it:




commented by (310 points)
Thank you Matt for your response.
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