I was using the following code for simulating 1D Hubbard model in presence of magnetic field.
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
//Parse the input file
if(argc != 2) { printfln("Usage: %s inputfile_newcode",argv[0]); return 0; }
auto input = InputGroup(argv[1],"input");
auto N = input.getInt("N");
auto Npart = input.getInt("Npart",N); //number of particles, default is N (half filling)
auto nsweeps = input.getInt("nsweeps");
auto t1 = 1;
auto U1 = 1;
auto mu = 2;
auto quiet = input.getYesNo("quiet",false);
auto table = InputGroup(input,"sweeps");
auto sweeps = Sweeps(nsweeps,table);
// Initialize the site degrees of freedom.
auto sites = Electron(N,{"ConserveSz=",false});
auto ampo = AutoMPO(sites);
for(int i = 1; i <= N; ++i)
ampo += U1,"Nupdn",i;
for(int i = 1; i <= N; ++i)
ampo += -mu,"Sz",i;
for(int b = 1; b < N; ++b)
ampo += -t1,"Cdagup",b,"Cup",b+1;
ampo += -t1,"Cdagup",b+1,"Cup",b;
ampo += -t1,"Cdagdn",b,"Cdn",b+1;
ampo += -t1,"Cdagdn",b+1,"Cdn",b;
auto H = toMPO(ampo);
// Set the initial wavefunction matrix product state
// to be a Neel state.
auto state = InitState(sites);
int p = Npart;
for(int i = N; i >= 1; --i)
if(p > 0)
println("Singly occupying site ",i);
state.set(i,(i%2==1 ? "Up" : "Dn")); //state.set(i,"Dn");
p -= 1;
auto psi0 = MPS(state);
//An alternate state initial state
/*for(int i = N; i >= 1; --i)
if(p > i)
println("Doubly occupying site ",i);
p -= 2;
if(p > 0)
println("Singly occupying site ",i);
state.set(i,(i%2==1 ? "Up" : "Dn"));
p -= 1;
auto psi0 = MPS(state);*/
// Begin the DMRG calculation
auto [energy,psi] = dmrg(H,psi0,sweeps,{"Quiet",quiet});
Energy << mu << "\t" << energy << endl;
I was matching the data obtained by DMRG with the exact diagonalization of the Hamiltonian. For this I used half-filled 2-site Hubbard model. The exact diagonalization was showing that the magnetically saturated phase (all spins up or down) was reaching around "mu=1.6". But the DMRG data was not showing any change of eigenvalue in the range mu=0 to mu=2. For example, when mu=1.6, for 10 sweeps, the data is below:
vN Entropy at center bond b=1 = 1.356587261479
Eigs at center bond b=1: 0.3106 0.3106 0.1894 0.1894
Largest link dim during sweep 1/10 was 4
Largest truncation error: 0
Energy after sweep 1/10 is -1.561552812809
Sweep 1/10 CPU time = 0.00107s (Wall time = 0.00115s)
vN Entropy at center bond b=1 = 1.356587241339
Eigs at center bond b=1: 0.3106 0.3106 0.1894 0.1894
Largest link dim during sweep 2/10 was 4
Largest truncation error: 0
Energy after sweep 2/10 is -1.561552812809
Sweep 2/10 CPU time = 0.000803s (Wall time = 0.000813s)
vN Entropy at center bond b=1 = 1.356587239124
Eigs at center bond b=1: 0.3106 0.3106 0.1894 0.1894
Largest link dim during sweep 3/10 was 4
Largest truncation error: 0
Energy after sweep 3/10 is -1.561552812809
Sweep 3/10 CPU time = 0.000795s (Wall time = 0.000806s)
vN Entropy at center bond b=1 = 1.356587239124
Eigs at center bond b=1: 0.3106 0.3106 0.1894 0.1894
Largest link dim during sweep 4/10 was 4
Largest truncation error: 0
Energy after sweep 4/10 is -1.561552812809
Sweep 4/10 CPU time = 0.000936s (Wall time = 0.000971s)
vN Entropy at center bond b=1 = 1.356587239124
Eigs at center bond b=1: 0.3106 0.3106 0.1894 0.1894
Largest link dim during sweep 5/10 was 4
Largest truncation error: 0
Energy after sweep 5/10 is -1.561552812809
Sweep 5/10 CPU time = 0.000794s (Wall time = 0.000807s)
vN Entropy at center bond b=1 = 1.356587239124
Eigs at center bond b=1: 0.3106 0.3106 0.1894 0.1894
Largest link dim during sweep 6/10 was 4
Largest truncation error: 0
Energy after sweep 6/10 is -1.561552812809
Sweep 6/10 CPU time = 0.000785s (Wall time = 0.000796s)
vN Entropy at center bond b=1 = 1.356587239124
Eigs at center bond b=1: 0.3106 0.3106 0.1894 0.1894
Largest link dim during sweep 7/10 was 4
Largest truncation error: 0
Energy after sweep 7/10 is -1.561552812809
Sweep 7/10 CPU time = 0.000785s (Wall time = 0.000798s)
vN Entropy at center bond b=1 = 1.356587239124
Eigs at center bond b=1: 0.3106 0.3106 0.1894 0.1894
Largest link dim during sweep 8/10 was 4
Largest truncation error: 0
Energy after sweep 8/10 is -1.561552812809
Sweep 8/10 CPU time = 0.000793s (Wall time = 0.000803s)
vN Entropy at center bond b=1 = 1.356587239124
Eigs at center bond b=1: 0.3106 0.3106 0.1894 0.1894
Largest link dim during sweep 9/10 was 4
Largest truncation error: 0
Energy after sweep 9/10 is -1.561552812809
Sweep 9/10 CPU time = 0.000761s (Wall time = 0.000770s)
vN Entropy at center bond b=1 = 1.356587239124
Eigs at center bond b=1: 0.3106 0.3106 0.1894 0.1894
Largest link dim during sweep 10/10 was 4
Largest truncation error: 0
Energy after sweep 10/10 is -1.561552812809
Sweep 10/10 CPU time = 0.000761s (Wall time = 0.000771s)
It seems that the nergy is converged, but this is not the correct magnetically saturated state. Then I changed the input file with larger bond-dimension and huge number of sweeps:
N = 2
Npart = 2
nsweeps = 4000
maxdim mindim cutoff niter noise
50 10 1E-12 2 1E-7
100 20 1E-12 2 1E-8
200 20 1E-12 2 1E-10
400 20 1E-12 2 1E-10
800 20 1E-12 2 1E-10
1600 20 1E-12 2 1E-10
3200 20 1E-12 2 1E-2
6400 20 1E-12 2 1E-2
12800 20 1E-12 2 1E-1
Now it gives the correct energy:
vN Entropy at center bond b=1 = 0.518448864409
Eigs at center bond b=1: 0.8534 0.0733 0.0733
Largest link dim during sweep 3999/4000 was 4
Largest truncation error: 0
Energy after sweep 3999/4000 is -1.600000000000
Sweep 3999/4000 CPU time = 0.000662s (Wall time = 0.000671s)
vN Entropy at center bond b=1 = 0.518448864409
Eigs at center bond b=1: 0.8534 0.0733 0.0733
Largest link dim during sweep 4000/4000 was 4
Largest truncation error: 0
Energy after sweep 4000/4000 is -1.600000000000
Sweep 4000/4000 CPU time = 0.000766s (Wall time = 0.000776s)
I have also used an alternate initial state but this feature does not improve. My questions are:
- Is this problem because of very small lattice size?
- Is there any way to fix this problem by tweaking the input file parameters?
- I will be actually working with higher number of sites of the order of 10. Is there any chance that there also the correct transition value of the parameter "mu" may not reflect?