Dear ITensor community,
I would like to ask for help with the following problem:
For a 1D boson-chain psi I would like to consider situation:
Let's us define operator
"auto Sy = 0.5/Cplx_i*( sites.op("Adag",i)*sites.op("A",j) - sites.op("Adag",j)*sites.op("A",i))"
Let's us define its exponential
"auto expSy = expHermitian(Sy, -Cplx_i*Y);"
I would like to define such an operation:
"psi_i_j:= expSy*psi_i_j",
i.e. rotation between sites {i,j} by angle Y. I know that to extract a single physical index I should use, psi.Aref(i), however, I stuck in the construction of a rotation itself.
Many thanks in advance,