0 votes
asked by (230 points)

Hey, can someone help me in how to write an initial state of heat but coupled to a spin ? can I just treat this as a spin chain and couple in the N+1 site a spin ? or should I do otherwise ?

1 Answer

0 votes
answered by (70.1k points)

Hi, thanks for the question but

  1. we have now created a new forum to replace this one (though we are leaving this one so people can search it). Here is the link to the new forum: https://itensor.discourse.group

  2. when you post your question on the new forum, could you please clarify your question? Are you asking how to create a state which represents a kind of heat bath? If so, what mathematical model of this heat bath would you like to use? Or can you please provide a literature reference for what you are trying to do?


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