I would like to perform TEBD with the Hamiltonian,
H=\sum^{N-1}{i} (XX + YY) + \sum{i=1}^{N} V(i)Z
Where V(i) is just some function that depends on the site. I want this written as a gate but when I compare numerics to small system size ED they do not match. Here is the code for creating my gates. Help is much appreciated
function Gates(N::Int, dt::Float64, J, λ, q, phi, sindex)
gates = ITensor[]
for j=1:N-1
s1 = sindex[j]
s2 = sindex[j+1]
if j != (N-1)
Wj = 2*λ*cos(2*pi*q*j + phi)
hj = J[j]*0.5*(op("S+", s1)*op("S-", s2) + op("S-", s1)*op("S+", s2)) + Wj*op("Sz", s1)*op("Id", s2)
Gj = exp(-1.0im*0.5*dt*hj)
elseif j==(N-1)
WjN = 2*λ*cos(2*pi*q*N + phi)
Wj = 2*λ*cos(2*pi*q*j + phi)
hj = J[j]*0.5*(op("S+", s1)*op("S-", s2) + op("S-", s1)*op("S+", s2)) + WjN*op("Id", s1)*op("Sz", s2) + Wj*op("Sz", s1)*op("Id", s2)
Gj = exp(-1.0im*0.5*dt*hj)
push!(gates, Gj)
append!(gates, reverse(gates))