Here is a bit of an output, the last few bonds of sweep no.5 and the same bonds on the beginning of sweep no.6.
Sweep=5, HS=2, Bond=(2,3)
I 0 q 1E-06 E -6.0000000000
I 1 q 7E-07 E -6.0000000000
Truncated to Cutoff=1.0E-14, Min_m=20, Max_m=400
Trunc. err=0.0E+00, States kept=m=81
Sweep=5, HS=2, Bond=(1,2)
I 0 q 7E-07 E -6.0000000000
I 1 q 6E-07 E -6.0000000000
Truncated to Cutoff=1.0E-14, Min_m=20, Max_m=400
Trunc. err=5.2E-17, States kept=m=69
Largest m during sweep 5 was 81
Largest truncation error: 5.1704e-16
Energy after sweep 5 is -6.000000000000
Sweep=6, HS=1, Bond=(1,2)
I 0 q 6E-07 E -6.0000000000
I 1 q 3E-07 E -6.0000000000
Truncated to Cutoff=1.0E-14, Min_m=20, Max_m=400
Trunc. err=0.0E+00, States kept=m=3
Sweep=6, HS=1, Bond=(2,3)
I 0 q 3E-07 E -6.0000000000
I 1 q 3E-07 E -6.0000000000
Truncated to Cutoff=1.0E-14, Min_m=20, Max_m=400
Trunc. err=0.0E+00, States kept=m=9
This keeping of too many states on the "backwards" run seems to disappear in the last sweep, when the noise term is put to zero, btw.