Hi, Miles
I was having a problem with time-evolving with Trotter Gates. I copied the code through the link http://itensor.org/docs.cgi?page=formulas/tevol_trotter and changed the sites to the 1D Hubbard model. The error showed up if I included the on-site potential term like this,
hterm += -1*sites.op("Cdagup", b)*sites.op("Cup", b + 1);
hterm += -1*sites.op("Cdagup", b + 1)*sites.op("Cup", b);
hterm += -1*sites.op("Cdagdn", b)*sites.op("Cdn", b + 1);
hterm += -1*sites.op("Cdagdn", b + 1)*sites.op("Cdn", b);
hterm += 0.5*sites.op("Nupdn", b);
if (b == (N - 1)) hterm += 0.5*sites.op("Nupdn", b+1);
If I were left with only the hopping term, the code worked fine. I have also tried changing the potential term to,
hterm += 0.5*sites.op("Nupdn", b) *sites.op("Nupdn", b+1);
and surprisingly it worked too, both in IQMPS and MPS(with and without quantum numbers). Different kind of error appeared when I swithed the term to,
hterm += 0.5*sites.op("Nupdn", b) *sites.op("Nupdn", b);
The error message was "Mismatched IQIndex arrows", for both IQMPS and MPS, so I was thinking the problem may be related to the conservation of quantum numbers. I noticed the article "time-evolving an MPS with MPO" and the original potential term worked well with the exactapplyMPO, but I would like to take advantage of the trotter decomposition because I only have nearest neighbor interaction.
There is another concerned about time-evolving with quantum numbers. I used the IQTensor, IQMPO...class to find the ground state, @@ \left\vert 0\right\rangle @@ ,which has the total elctron of n, but the state that I want to evolve is @@ C_{i}^{\dagger }\left\vert 0\right\rangle @@ , which is by applying electron creation operator to the ground state. Using the exactApplyMPO will turn it into MPS instead of IQMPS, and I have to do time-evolving without quantum numbers. Is there a way that I could keep the conserved quantum number? I was thinking naively something like "exactApplyIQMPO()", or "toIQMPS()", while I did realize that generally an MPS could have no conserved quantum number.